Full-cycle automotive testing services

Accelerate your qualification processes with Automotive SPICE framework and ISO-29119 & ISO-26262 compliant testing services.

Automotive testing services

Benefit from our end-to-end automotive testing services. We will help you with system analysis, requirements
preparation, design of your testing strategy, all types of testing, documentation, and reporting.

atumotive ecosystem

How we can help you Our services

System analysis and requirements preparation

Benefit from in-depth analysis of your case and design the optimal testing strategy.

End-to-end automotive testing

Make use of ISO 26262 & ISO 29119 compliant testing services for automotive companies.

Documentation and qualification help

Get professional assistance with documents needed for successful qualification and certification.

Automation & CI/CD

Automate manual processes and set up proper pipelines for continuous integration and delivery.

How it works How it works

01. Testing strategy

  • The detailed test strategy for each test level
  • Setup of the Automotive SPICE related workflow
  • Preparation of documentation templates
  • Standards and guides selection
  • Tools selection

02. Static & Unit Tests

  • Setup of the requirement-based test process with a high level of traceability and transparency of the test results
  • Processing the guideline-based static analysis and regression analysis
  • Using the early methods of error detecting and reporting
  • Coverage estimation

03. Integration tests

  • Functional testing of the components based on SW and HW implementation
  • Implementation of the interface and data type testing of the components
  • Regression testing and dead-logic detecting and cumulative coverage estimation

04. System testing

  • The side-by-side testing with service layer (AUTOSAR) level and application layer (including ECU SW environment)
  • Implementation of smoke tests, experience-based tests, and load tests to verify a high-level behavior of the functionality

05. Reporting

Automation of the report generation and delivering with a high level of traceability and transparency

Benefit from ADAS technologies and ADAS vehicle testing with Lidar, radar, and camera Lidar, radar, and camera

N-iX experts can help you with any of these detection systems or combine all of them into a complex solution.

Longitudinal control

Active suspension, adaptive cruise control with sensor fusion

  • Automated Driving Toolbox
  • Model predictive driving Toolbox
  • Embedded Code
  • Simulink Test

Lateral control

Active suspension,
Late detection

  • Automated Driving Toolbox
  • Model predictive driving Toolbox
  • Embedded Code
  • Simulink Test

Complex stabilization

Longitudinal, Lateral and Leveling control with Sensor fusion

  • Automated Driving Toolbox
  • Model predictive driving Toolbox
  • Embedded Coder
  • CarMaker
  • Simulink Test

Collision detection

Create scene, implementation of actors, lidar, and radar points. Automated Driving Toolbox

  • Computer Vision Toolbox
  • Sensor fusion and Tracking toolbox
  • CARLA Simulation
  • Simulink Test

Technologies we work with Tech stack

Big Data for automotive testing
We have profound experience with the entire Big Data ecosystem related to automotive testing services.
  • Strategy and technical advisory
  • System architecture
  • Data ingestion and pipeline development
  • Data modeling, processing, DWH and analytics
  • Visualization, reports & dashboards
  • Data governance and security
DevOps for automotive testing services
N-iX specializes in wide-ranging DevOps services for the automotive industry and has 50+ DevOps specialists aboard. We’ve partnered with different companies, from ISVs to Fortune 500 businesses, and helped them decrease up to 90% in application release time.

Why choose N-iX for automotive testing services Why us


In-depth expertise in all levels of automotive testing, including physical world virtualization, control system simulation, and HID virtualization.

2,200+ experts who are ready to guide you through every phase of automotive testing, sharing their expertise and actively participating in the process.
A proven track record working with automotive testing toolset, including MATLAB/Simulink, Vector, Gamma technologies, IPG, Jama software, and many others.

Versatile tech competence in embedded software development, cloud computing, Big Data engineering, data analytics, DevOps, ML&AI, BI, and Security.


Our experts have knowledge and understanding of the industry regulations and standards, including Automotive SPICE, ISO 9001, ISO 29119, ISO 26262, & ISO 33050.


We have a dedicated MATLAB/Simulink Academy, which allows us to not only hire the best experts, but expand the community by teaching and helping the new experts grow.

Our project management pillars

Comprehensive planning

  • Methodological approach
  • Automotive SPICE compliance
  • Rolling wave planning
  • Adherence to quality
  • Planning considering project needs

Effective reporting

  • Reporting transparency and responsibility
  • Monitoring of Project Health Status
  • Multiple reporting levels (ISG, PSG, BR)
  • Other Automotive SPICE related reporting

Efficient risk management

  • RAID logs (Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions)
  • Unified approach with effective tooling
  • Joint risk management sessions

Read more

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